Book Cover Design's profile

50 years of the film 'Sonar Kella' by Satyajit Ray

Conceptualised, digital restoration and designed by: Subinoy Das
Items are subject to production changes; sharing for visual reference only
The background and origins of the Society for the Preservation of the Satyajit Ray Films, popularly known as Satyajit Ray Society or just Ray Society, go back to December 1992 when the Grants Committee of Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, which had conferred the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement on Satyajit Ray, gave a modest grant which enabled David Shepard, a pioneer in film preservation, to come to India to examine the original Ray film negatives and file a technical report. Shepard examined eighteen of Ray's 36 films and ruefully commented in his report, “The work of no other world-class filmmaker hangs on such a thin thread as Satyajit Ray's.” 
Fatafatee is a Bengali merchandise manufacturer from India. Their aim is to provide the product lovers in the quirky space with options to explore products that are unique in both concept and design and products that speak of fun and intellect at the same breadth. 
||  T H E   B O X  ||
The completed result is derived from Satyajit Ray's 'kheror khata', a work that was left unfinished. Subinoy, inspired by principles of geometry and other references similar to Satyajit Ray's artistic approach, contributed to the final creation.
Making of the logo
Notebook Design and clalligraphy reworked by Subinoy Das, original artwork: Satyajit Ray
The first page of the 'Sonar Kella' script, a set of postcards, Feluda's visiting card and the restored version of original film booklet.
Restored edition of the original film booklet for Satyajit Ray's 'Sonar Kella,' both written and directed by the filmmaker.
Original artwork by Satyajit Ray from the book 'Sonar Kella', first published in 1971
just a productive  time-pass ( not included in the project)
Contemporary door plaque concept designed for Felda's residence at 21 Rajani Sen Road, Kolkata 700029. Executed ideas are the following images. 
The final book cover for this project " Sonar Kella 50 years of the film'. The calligraphy is done by Satyajit Ray himself. 
Conceptualized by Team Fatafatee, layout by Diptajit Misra & designed by Subinoy Das
Embossed Bookmarks, Art Print ( digitally restored ) from the original artwork , all related to 'Sonar Kella' Film
6 embossed booksmarks in the envelope, original artwork by Satyajit ray, designed by Subinoy Das
The facial features of this specific illustration from the 'Sonar Kella' film poster, crafted by Satyajit Ray, have been recently recreated and restored to a full illustrated portrait of Soumitra Chatterjee. 
Feluda luggage tag on a JAPANI SUITCASE
Satyajit Ray's original set design sketch for 'Sonar Kella' has been meticulously restored. Over time, it had developed signs of aging, including scratches and patches. The restoration process involved the removal of these imperfections and the careful application of color sampling to brighten certain areas, ensuring that it closely resembles its original creation.
I have created a postcard design for the 'Sonar Kella' movie, comprising 12 unique cards featuring original title cards from the film and interesting trivia. I've also enhanced the authenticity by incorporating a Rajasthani motif into the stamp and on the envelope, giving it a vintage appeal. The layout of the postcards closely mirrors the distinctive style found in special cards from the Indian postal office in the 1970's.
Another postal stamp designed for the film 'Sonar Kella'.
Proposed Envelope Designs

Below the lobby cards are also fine restored ( removes camera dust, patches, scratches and scattered lines for better print quality. 
I've reconstructed printed book covers from different countries around the world, all featured in the book 'Sonar Kella.' In this presentation, 
I'll be showcasing just three of them.
Making this letter was actually a blast! So, I got this cool idea when I found out I had to handle the design part. I thought, why not create a 'thank you letter' for the ultimate 'Feluda' fan with Satyajit Ray's handwriting? I gathered over a hundred photos of his handwritten letters, carefully selected each word, and put it all together, making sure the heights, curves, styles, and gaps matched perfectly. The end result turned out pretty awesome. Hope you dig it!
Have you ever thought of this??? Nearly perfect replica of a telegram could be used in the film
The 2024 Desk Calendar
12 scintillating photographs by eminent photojournalist Tarapada Bandyopadhyay
Original sketch by 'Satyajit Ray'
For inquiries/purchase regarding collection, kindly contact us at the following email address:
Please do not copy any copyrighted artworks from the project.

50 years of the film 'Sonar Kella' by Satyajit Ray


50 years of the film 'Sonar Kella' by Satyajit Ray
